Kafka Asynchronous Guidelines
There are several technologies to implement event-driven architectures, but this section is going to focus on the predominant technology on this subject : Apache Kafka.
Apache Kafka can be considered as a Streaming Platform which relies on the several concepts:
Super high-performance, scalable, highly-available cluster of brokers
Replication of partitions across different brokers
Ability to re-balance partitions across consumers automatically when adding/removing them
Partitioned, re-playable log (collection of messages appended sequentially to a file)
Data copied directly from disk buffer to network buffer (zero copy) without even being imported to the JVM
Extreme throughput by using the concept of consumer group
Secure encrypted connections using TLS client certificates
Multi-tenant management through quotas/ACLs
Client APIs on different programming languages : Go, Scala, Python, REST, JAVA, ...
Stream processing APIs like Kafka Streams
Ecosystem of connectors to pull/push data from/to Kafka
Clean-up processes for storage optimization
Retention periods
Compacted topics
Last updated