
Callback or Webhooks are another way of handling long running tasks (LRTs). Callbacks are based on the subscription principle, whereas the API notifies the API Consumer in a different connection. This pattern is also applicable to the subscription to any kind of events to get notifications from your API.

The roles are:

  • API Consumer / Subscriber

  • API Producer / Publisher

If the chosen way is based on using callbacks, the response to such an asynchronous operation MUST return, in the case of success, the 202 Accepted status code together with an application/hal+json representation of a new task-tracking resource.

This pattern is described by OAS v3.0.x.


The subscriber enrolls to specfic notifications. The subscriber resource MUST provide the information about the callback URL. Any data needed to require the execution of a task MUST be included in the request body.

The subscription is created by using the HTTP POST Request Method. It SHOULD be designed as follows:

  1. Subscription is accepted

    Return 201 Created and representation of the current status. Content type: application/hal+json The publisher resource MUST provide a UUID to identify the subscription.

  2. Subscription is not accepted

    Return 403 Forbidden . Content type: application/problem+json with the problem detail information.


The publisher resource MUST use callback URL provided by the subscriber. Any data with the output of the requested task SHOULD be sent to the subscriber in this request.

The callback request has to use the HTTP POST Request Method SHOULD as follows:

  1. The subscriber accepts the callback. Content type: application/hal+json

    Return 200 OK.

  2. The subscriber does not accept the callback

    Return 403 Forbidden . Content type: application/problem+json with the problem detail information.

Cancel Subscription

The subscriber resource MUST include the UUID to identify the subscription.

It has to be used the HTTP PUT Request Method SHOULD as follows:

  1. Subscription is accepted

    Return 202 Accepted. Content type: application/hal+json

  2. Subscription is not accepted

    Return 403 Forbidden . Content type: application/problem+json with the problem detail information.

Design Note

  • The subscription pattern supports two main approaches:

    • On one side, it can be only-once. The callback will be invoked only once by the publisher and it will be cancelled automatically after.

    • On the other side, it can be continuous. In this case the subscription MUST be explicitly cancelled. Regarding the subscriber, its API is also the subject of the adidas API guidelines.

  • The callback can be based on an Asynchronous/Streaming API topic. In this case the subscription is made as mentioned above but with the following differences in the workflow:

    • The API Consumer does not send a callback URL in the initial request.

    • The API Producer SHOULD provide the name of the topic and the UID of the task to correlate the input.

    • It is up to the API Consumer to subscribe to the Asynchronous/Streaming API topic to receive the input from the provider. Please read the Asynchronous/Streaming API section.


  1. Settle the subscription

     POST /items/tasks/ HTTP/1.1
     Content-Type: application/json
       "callbackUrl": ""
     HTTP/1.1 201 Created
     Content-Type: application/hal+json
       "_links": {
         "self": { "href": "/items/tasks/4746" }
       "message": "Your request to subscribe to the progress of the task has been accepted.",
       "UUID": "4746"
  2. The Publisher sends the callback

     POST HTTP/1.1
       "_links": {
         "self": { "href": "/items/tasks/4746" }
       "UUID": "4746",
         <Data with the callback>
     HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
     Content-Type: application/hal+json
  3. Eventually the subscriber cancels the subscription

     PUT /feeds/tasks/1 HTTP/1.1
     HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
     Content-Type: application/hal+json
       "_links": {
         "self": { "href": "/feeds/tasks/4746" }
       "message": "Your subscription is cancelled."

Last updated